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Marxismo Revolucionário Internacional - MRI

Blog de tradução e difusão de teoria marxista

Bem-vindo ao Marxismo Revolucionário Internacional - MRI, blog voltado para a tradução e difusão da teoria marxista. O objetivo deste blog é traduzir e divulgar textos elaborados por intelectuais marxistas de fora do Brasil.

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How should socialists organise - Paul Le Blanc, Gilbert Achcar
Daniel Singer (R.I.P.) & Dr. Ernest Mandel (R.I.P.)  - 05-22-91 Original air date
Harold Channer

Daniel Singer (R.I.P.) & Dr. Ernest Mandel (R.I.P.) - 05-22-91 Original air date

Daniel Singer & Ernest Mandel Ph.D (05-22-91). About Daniel Singer. Daniel Singer was born on September 26, 1926, in Warsaw, was educated in France, Switzerland and England and died on December 2, 2000, in Paris. He was a contributor to The Economist, The New Statesman, the Tribune and The Nation (where he was Europe correspondent for twenty years), and appeared as a commentator on NPR, "Monitor Radio" and the BBC, as well as Canadian and Australian broadcasting. (These credits are for his English-language work; he was also fluent in French, Polish, Russian and Italian.) He was the author of Prelude to Revolution: France in May 1968 (Hill & Wang, 1970) (recently reissued), The Road to Gdansk: Eastern Europe on the Move (Monthly Review Press, 1981), Is Socialism Doomed?: The Meaning of Mitterrand (Oxford, 1988) and Whose Millennium? Theirs or Ours? (Monthly Review Press, 1999). The Introduction to Whose Millennium? includes additional words penned only days before the author's passing. Whose Millennium? is available in several translations, with more to come. A specialist on the Western European left as well as the former Communist nations, Singer ranged across the Continent in his dispatches to The Nation. Singer sharply critiqued Western-imposed economic "shock therapy" in the former Eastern Bloc and US support for Boris Yeltsin, sounded early warnings about the re-emergence of Fascist politics into the Italian mainstream and, across the Mediterranean, reported on an Algeria sliding into civil war. & Ernest Ezra Mandel, also known by various pseudonyms such as Ernest Germain, Pierre Gousset, Henri Vallin, Walter etc. (April 5, 1923 - July 20, 1995) was a democratic Marxist theorist. Born in Frankfurt, Mandel was recruited to the Belgian section of the international Trotskyist movement, the Fourth International, in his youth in Antwerp. His parents, Henri and Rosa Mandel, were Jewish emigres from Poland, the former a member of Rosa Luxemburg's and Karl Liebknecht's Spartacist League. Ernest's entrance to university studies was cut short when the German occupying forces closed the university down. During World War II, he escaped twice after being arrested in the course of resistance activities, and survived imprisonment in the German concentration camp at Dora. After the war, he became a leader of both the Belgian Trotskyists and the youngest member of the Fourth International secretariat, alongside Michel Pablo and others. He gained respect as a prolific journalist with a clear and lively style, as an orthodox Marxist theoretician, and as a talented debater. He wrote for numerous media outlets in the 1940s and 1950s including Het Parool, Le Peuple, l'Observateur and Agence France-Presse. At the height of the Cold War he publicly defended the merits of Marxism in debate with the social democrat and future Dutch premier Joop den Uyl.
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